
Grand Opening RSVP List

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago

You Are Cordially Invited To

cooperBricolage Grand Opening
nyc coworking has a new home





September 5th, 2007 from 4pm until 8pm



Home of cooperBricolage - Cafe Fuego

9 St Marks Place, New York (map)

On St. Marks between 2nd and 3rd



You! And a cast of others, including:


  1. Jed Katz, DFJ Gotham
  2. David Rose, RoseVen Ventures
  3. Harsh Patel, RRE
  4. Dean Simon BenAvi, Cooper Union - School of Engineering
  5. Tony Bacigalupo,
  6. Jennifer Hall,
  7. Sanford Dickert, Cooper Union
  8. Alex Linsker, Questions Website
  9. Jennifer Iannolo, Culliany Channel
  10. Kara Masi, Kara Masi Communications
  11. Grace Piper,
  12. Jesse Engle, Swatchbox
  13. JP Checa, Convos
  14. Matt Trush, Convos
  15. Kendall Schoenrock
  16. Joseph Franklyn McElroy, Corporate Performance Artists
  17. Donna McElroy, Corporate Performance Artists
  18. Nasser Dassi, antideas
  19. Chris Pallé, BlueFlame Interactive
  20. Jeffrey Warren, Vestal Design
  21. Frederic Guarino, Hemisphere Nobrainer
  22. Allen Stern, CenterNetworks
  23. Marc Hadfield, Alitora Systems
  24. Sam Hodges, Pequot Ventures
  25. Dietmar Detering, Event Me
  26. Dale Cook,
  27. Julie Kim
  28. Raj Janakarajan
  29. Larry Kluger
  30. Debbie Darman
  31. Volker Detering, Event Me
  32. Joe Ferrara, Sellsius
  33. Wayne Ma, reporter, Marketwatch, Popular Mechanics
  34. Jerry Weinstein, columnist, Jack Myers Media Business Report
  35. Michael Galpert, Aviary
  36. Laura Ide
  37. Kristian Hansen, Biltmore Ventures
  38. Charlie O'Donnell, Path 101
  39. Thomas Maloney
  40. Alex Lines, Path 101
  41. Matthew Lederman
  42. Victor Shamanovsky
  43. Philipp Albers
  44. Fred Benenson / ITP / Creative Commons
  45. Adam Varga
  46. Thomas Morling
  47. Amy Hoy, Hyphenated People
  48. Patrick Ewing
  49. Billy Yip,
  50. Paul Knag, Peklava
  51. Gregory Schnese,
  52. Sean Taub
  53. Sahadeva Hammari
  54. Joey Roth

Please put your name on the list so we can anticipate who is coming at what time. We look forward to seeing you there!


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